Sunday, December 7, 2008

What is Jeet Kune Do

What is the difference between Jeet Kune Do and other martial arts. Just watch this video and leave a comment on what you think. I would like to know what most people think about Jeet Kune Do.


Larry Hartsell Passed Away! Original Student of Bruce Lee!

This is my Tribute to Larry Hartsell, One of original Bruce Lee Students. You might not know who he is, If you do, You understand he was one of the premier students of Bruce Lee that started the He will be missed. Bruce Lee started out with 33 Grappling Techniques which Larry Hartsell Took to another level. My first book I read was Enter From Trapping to Grappling. If you are serious martial artist you will read that book. The concept of Trapping then Grappling is a must for survival on the street. I hope you enjoy this video,


Saturday, November 15, 2008

How to Satisfy Your Sugar Cravings Without Ruining Your Healthy Diet Taming Your Sweet Tooth By Shereen Jegtvig,

A lot of us have them. We may be hungry or we may have a full stomach when that urge to have "just a little something sweet" hits. If we aren't prepared for the inevitable sugar cravings, that little something sweet may turn into a big piece of pie, a big bowl of ice cream or a couple of candy bars.

What Causes Sugar Cravings?
Sugar cravings may be a habit, a kind of comfort food, or a very pleasant way to end a meal. Sugar cravings may also be due to low serotonin levels and depression. We may crave the taste of sweets or we may crave the effect of sugar on our brain.
Why Sugar is a Problem
Sugar has calories, no nutritional value and when it is used in treats and desserts the calories can add up fast. Many sweet desserts and candies contain unhealthy amounts of saturated and trans fats too. The extra calories mean extra weight gain and obesity. As our sugar consumption has gone up in North America and elsewhere, so has our rate of obesity.
Is Some Sugar OK?
Sure. allows us to have a few discretionary calories each day. However, if you are overweight or obese, you might wish to decrease your total calorie consumption.

As long as you are at a healthy weight, enjoying an occasional high calorie sweet treat won't hurt you, but it shouldn't become a daily habit. You can use my BMI calculator to see if you are over weight and my Nutrition Guide to see how many calories you need each day.
Healthier Ideas for Sugar Cravings

* Get some exercise. You may feel better if you go for a walk or get some other type of exercise. Exercise will stimulate brain chemicals that will improve your mood.
* Sugar cravings may lessen if you decrease the number of calories you eat each day, so if you are eating too many calories, cut back.
* Don't keep high calorie sweets in the house.
* Don't skip meals, which can make cravings worse.
* Keep your meals simple. The more side dishes and flavors you include in your meals, the more likely you are to overeat. When your brain is faced with several flavors, it takes longer to reach satiety, which means you will eat too much before you satisfy your cravings.
* Choose healthy side dishes with a sweet taste. Perhaps if you satisfy your taste buds' need for sweet flavor during your meal, you won't fall for a big dessert afterward. Fruits and some vegetables are naturally sweet and offer vitamins, mineral and other important phytochemicals. Dressing up your carrots with a little honey glaze may keep the sugar cravings at bay later.

Last of all, you can go ahead and have a little dessert or a sweet treat, but choose wisely. Choose low-fat desserts that use fruit as the main ingredient. The sweetener should only be added as a condiment, or as a minor ingredient.

For example, my favorite dessert is strawberries and blueberries. These berries have lots of vitamin C, healthy antioxidants and fiber that helps to fill me up. I add a little bit of "lite" whipped topping for a creamy texture and a sprinkling of walnuts or almonds for crunch. This berry dessert satisfies my sweet tooth without sabotaging my diet and has a lot of nutritional power. If I am feeling extra decadent, I might add a teaspoon of Hersey's Sugar Free Chocolate Chunks for just a few extra calories.

Artificial Sweeteners
If you crave sweets and you need to cut calories, there are diet foods and beverages that are sweetened with artificial sweeteners. The most common artificial sweeteners include aspartame and sucralose. Some people seem to be sensitive to these sweeteners and feel ill when they use them, however, most people don't have these problems and the use of artificial sweeteners is another option to tame your sweet tooth without added calories.

Shereen has been the Guide to Nutrition since 2004.

During her practice as a nutritionist and as a chiropractic physician for 16 years, Shereen saw how eating healthy foods (or not-so-healthy foods) impacted her patients' well-being every day. She decided that she wanted to reach a larger audience so she left practice to become a health and nutrition writer as well as the nutrition guide for Shereen is a member of the American Dietetic Association.

Shereen has a master's degree in human nutrition from the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut and she was previously certified as a Certified Nutrition Specialist. She also has a doctor of chiropractic degree from Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington, Minnesota.
From Shereen Jegtvig:

Thanks for stopping by Nutrition. There is a lot of nutrition information available with just the click of your mouse. Allow me to keep you updated with the best information on foods, dietary supplements and other nutrition issues.

Comment by Ray Gollis:

Another great post by Shreeren. I believe that if you include exercise in your regimen you will burn some of those excess calories off of your stomack. Do stomach crunchs, waist twisting with a broom and twist that stomach. A great exercise to include is shadow boxing. Pretend you are fighting for you life and do 3 3 minutes rounds, between each round take a 3-5 minute break and start over to you finish the 3 rounds. This should get your heart rate up. You know the old saying, No pain, No gain. So you have to exert yourself to fatigue and take a break. I have went to alot of gyms and most people are sitting doing 1 bench press and talking for the rest of the hour. This is called wasting time. Life unfolds a great sheet called time and once finished it is over. So you should workout and then talk after you get done working out. This is what you should do to accomplish your goals. So there always is a right and wrong way to go about exercising and dieting and this is one of them. Another thing I see is people that think they know what a diet is. Somebody eats 7-10 slices of vegatarian pizza and say they are dieting. Well that folks is ludicrous. You should limit your intake of pizza to 2-3 slices of pizza and try to include a salad with it that is not loaded with eggs, turkey, bacon and all the other bad ingredents. Just a plain tossed salad with low fat salad dressing.

How to Satisfy Your Sugar Cravings Without Ruining Your Diet By Shereen Jegtvig

How to Satisfy Your Sugar Cravings Without Ruining Your Diet By Shereen Jegtvig, Guide to Nutrition since 2004

Do you have sugar cravings? How do you satisfy them? A lot of people satisfy their sugar-cravings by eating fruits, but many readers tell me that eating fruit just doesn't work to stop their sugar-cravings.

Poll Results

About Poll

How do you handle sugar cravings?

I eat sugary foods.


I eat fruit or berries.


I get some exercise.


I use artificially sweetened foods.


Something else.


Total Votes: 1914
Return to Previous Page

Shereen has been the Guide to Nutrition since 2004.

During her practice as a nutritionist and as a chiropractic physician for 16 years, Shereen saw how eating healthy foods (or not-so-healthy foods) impacted her patients' well-being every day. She decided that she wanted to reach a larger audience so she left practice to become a health and nutrition writer as well as the nutrition guide for Shereen is a member of the American Dietetic Association.

Shereen has a master's degree in human nutrition from the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut and she was previously certified as a Certified Nutrition Specialist. She also has a doctor of chiropractic degree from Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington, Minnesota.
From Shereen Jegtvig:

Thanks for stopping by Nutrition. There is a lot of nutrition information available with just the click of your mouse. Allow me to keep you updated with the best information on foods, dietary supplements and other nutrition issues.

Comment by Ray Gollis:

Great advice from Shreeren. I think you should have alternatives to sugar. Like if you are fixing oatmeat in the morning, add some banana's and strawberries to your oatmeat. Most people put honey on their oatmeal. Honey is a good alternative to sugar which is processesed. By the poll results you see that most people have sugary foods in there diets and fruit doesn't seem to satisfy their sweet tooth. Read the next post and that will give you some idea on how to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

How to Lose Weight Easy - 8 Tips on How to Lose Weight Easy By Manfred Schilling

You have decided to lose weight and you want to lose it fast and easy. In order to lose weight quick and effectively, your main goal should be to permanently improve your eating habits and increase your level of physical activity.

A few tips on how to lose weight easy:
# Eating is often driven not by hunger, but by time. We do not eat when we are hungry, but when it is time. Better listen to your body and eat only when hungry.

# Eat slowly. Most people eat much too fast. With breathtaking speed disappears a vast portion of the plate in the mouth. The consequences - in the truest sense of the word - are weighty. It takes a little time until the feeling of saturation occurs. Eating too fast often results in eating too much. Eat slowly, each bite thoroughly chewed and take short breaks within.

# Exercise is the best fat burner. There is no better answer to "How to lose weight easy?" than "Exercise". More muscles mean more fat burned. 30 minutes, 3 times a week, should be the minimum.

# Drink a lot. Drinking water makes you feel saturated. A glass of water before dinner will reduce your food uptake.

# Drink, but only the right things. Drink water, no juices, lemonade or alcohol. Alcohol contains nearly as much energy as fat. If you like to drink a little alcohol now and than and still want to keep losing weight, you need to eat less.

# Get enough sleep. Too little sleep makes thick. A lot of things are happening in your body while being asleep. These processes use up quite some energy. Get enough sleep at regular times.

# Fruits and vegetables. If you want to lose weight easy, you should consume enough fruit and vegetables. Most vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins, minerals and secondary plant materials, consist mostly of water and therefore have only a low energy content. With vegetables and fruit, you can lose weight even when eating until saturation.

# Only do your groceries when having a full stomach. A full stomach makes it a lot easier to stick to your diet plan.

How to lose weight easy, means, doing it slow. Slowly integrate these tips on how to lose weight easy into your daily life and lose weight without even noticing.

Visit for more tips on weight loss. Click Here for extra tips on how to lose weight easy.

Article Source:

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Surviving a Knife Attack?

What is your chances of surviving a knife attack? 3 out of 85 police officers in this scenario were able to defend themselves against a knife. The other 82 didn't have enough reaction time to survive. You have to have at least 6 feet between you and your opponent to survive such an attack. The police officers didn't have enough time to defend against this, so they were cut up pretty bad. The knife defenses that they teach in most martial arts schools is not taught in a realistic manner.The knife attacker will not thrust it out, but instead swing it at you. Check out this video and you might learn that a knife is a real deadly weapon. If you want to learn real knife fighting, study the Fillipino martial arts. This is the most realistic way of fighting against a knife. Watch this video and you will learn even with a gun the person is at a disadvantage. When you have a gun in a holster and the person already has a knife out, this means you have to have enough time to pull the gun out of the holster, aim and then fire. The knife is out and swinging at your body parts, what do you do?

Obesity - What Was the Tipping Point? By Shereen Jegtvig

Right now in the US, about one-third of the population is obese. This wasn't the case 30 years ago. Sometime between then and now, we changed the way we eat. So what happened?

We know why so many people are obese. Too much food, with lots of calories, over-processed with lots of sugar and unhealthy fats. And lack of physical activity is also takes part of the blame.

But why did this happen? What was the tipping point that turned us into a bunch of chubby lemmings ready to plummet off the cliff into an abyss of obesity-related chronic disease? And more important now -- what is the tipping point that will get us back to a healthy weight?

Think about a typical day, How many people ...

... start the day with sugary cereals, maybe some frozen things that heat up in the toaster? Maybe just grab a cup of coffee or a bottle of Mountain Dew and a donut? Eeww. What a way to start the day.

... eat too much at work? Vending machines offer fattening snacks, and it is easy to eat a candy bar or snack cake with your morning coffee. What about lunch? Off to the closest fast food joint for artery-clogging burgers and fries.

... give up on dinner? It's been a long day at work and now it is time to make dinner for the family. Ugh. Maybe just stop for take-out, grab a bucket of fried chicken or order a big pizza. After dinner it is time to veg out in front of the HDTV where we are barraged with ads for snacks, sodas and more fast foods. Off to the kitchen for a bag of Doritos anyone?

What else has changed over the last thirty-something years? When I was a kid we filled the car's tank at a gas station. Now we stop for gas at a convenience store and while there, we fill our own tanks with some of the worst junk foods. It's just too easy to step inside for a donut, a slice of pizza or a giant soda for the ride.

Portion sizes have increased too. We drink soda in 20-ounce bottles instead of 12-ounce cans, restaurant portions are huge and I think a lot of people have just gotten used to eating more food at each meal.

What about physical activity? When I was kid in the 70's, we had physical education in school every day. That isn't the case anymore. Plus more kids play video and computer games in the house, instead of going outside.

Maybe we aren't as active at home either. Thirty years ago, we didn't have remote controls for our TVs so we had to get up and walk across the room to turn the dial. And we didn't have a cell phone in our pocket -- we had to run to answer the phone in the other room. But did those little bits of activity make much of a difference in our calorie burning back in the day? Maybe, if you add them up over time. Something certainly was different - it wasn't common to belong to a health club and we didn't have VCRs yet -- Buns of Steel and other exercise tapes were a long way off.

So what else has changed that makes over-eating so easy? Leave your ideas in a comment below.
Shereen has been the Guide to Nutrition since 2004.

During her practice as a nutritionist and as a chiropractic physician for 16 years, Shereen saw how eating healthy foods (or not-so-healthy foods) impacted her patients' well-being every day. She decided that she wanted to reach a larger audience so she left practice to become a health and nutrition writer as well as the nutrition guide for Shereen is a member of the American Dietetic Association.

Shereen has a master's degree in human nutrition from the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut and she was previously certified as a Certified Nutrition Specialist. She also has a doctor of chiropractic degree from Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington, Minnesota.
From Shereen Jegtvig:

Thanks for stopping by Nutrition. There is a lot of nutrition information available with just the click of your mouse. Allow me to keep you updated with the best information on foods, dietary supplements and other nutrition issues.


September 9, 2008 at 2:43 pm
(1) Phyllis says:

This article got me thinking. I just turned 60 this year (2008), and I can remember how things were back when I was a kid. People weren’t radically different, but the lifestyle was definitely more active. Not in an “extreme athlete” way either, life just required more moving.

I don’t remember when my thinking changed to the “I don’t have to exercise, technology will give me a better and longer life” mentality, but somehow that became my motto. The only problem is that it isn’t true. Technology may or may not give me a longer life, but health-wise, my life is absolutely NOT better. All my joints hurt, and I have several chronic diseases; the most dangerous one is Type 2 diabetes.

I never imagined my life would be a cautionary tale for others, but since it is, I encourage everyone under the age of 40 to start moving. Give yourself the best gift anyone can receive, the gift of good health. Walking 30 minutes each day isn’t any more time consuming than going to a doctor’s appointment or physical therapy, and the benefits are unbelievable. Take it from an old geezer who’s been there.

Another Great Article by Shereen Jegtvig. I agree with Phyllis, Just a little a bit a day does wonder. Put down that pop, cigarettes and potato chips down. Make a fresh salad with walnuts, blueberries, onions, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and don't forget the lettuce. Eat some pita with hommus and take a walk like Phyllis does. You have to put the TV guide down and walk a minimum of 30 minutes a day, and try to work up to about 1 hour a day. I think if more people would stop watching TV and get out and walk they wouldn't see their belly's over their belt loop. I know that might be harsh. But this is reality and more people have strokes, heart attacks especially in Michigan where I live. Most people wonder why they are sick all the time. Well for one thing they eat junk food all day. Get out an exercise and you will realize it doesn't take much time to accomplish this. Another thing that other people can do is take enzymes and colon cleanser to clean themselves out. The belly stores feces and most people can't digest their food. Even oatmeal is hard for the body break it down. So enzymes help break down that matter. Most people don't understand that they are brainwashed at a young age to do this behavior. But the little steps you will surprised at the accomplished that these steps take.

By Ray Gollis

I reccommend that you take a look at a great book to lose weight.
Check it out, Here's the link below:

Ultimate Weight Loss Secrets

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

In Memory Of Larry Hartsell.

If anyone want to know the true essence of the marital arts, a great book a read is Entering Trapping to Grappling. Larry Hartsell is a pioneer in grappling arts, he will be sorrily missed. Bruce Lee taught him 33 Grappling Techniques which he took to another level. Here now is a grappling video, I seen on YouTube that I want to share with you. Feel free to leave a comment at the end of the post. Thanks.

Fast Food Ban in Los Angeles Sunday August 17, 2008 In the last couple of years we have had bans on sodas in schools and a ban on trans fats in New Yo

Fast Food Ban in Los Angeles
Sunday August 17, 2008
In the last couple of years we have had bans on sodas in schools and a ban on trans fats in New York City. Last month the city council of Los Angeles decided to prevent new fast food restaurants from opening in one of the poorer neighborhoods, South Los Angeles.

City council members believe this will help keep the number of fast food restaurants from overtaking the neighborhood and allow residents to have more healthy restaurant options. Critics say it is unfair to dictate what people can or cannot eat and some believe it is wrong to assume that people who live in poorer neighborhoods may be intellectually incapable of making good decisions about food and health.

Personally, I support the bans on sodas in schools in the US and trans fats in New York City, but this one makes me a little uneasy. While it wouldn't break my heart to see fast food restaurants banned everywhere, the idea of only choosing specific neighborhoods worries me a bit.

Tell me what you think.

Poll:Do you support the fast food ban in South Los Angeles?

Shereen has been the Guide to Nutrition since 2004.

During her practice as a nutritionist and as a chiropractic physician for 16 years, Shereen saw how eating healthy foods (or not-so-healthy foods) impacted her patients' well-being every day. She decided that she wanted to reach a larger audience so she left practice to become a health and nutrition writer as well as the nutrition guide for Shereen is a member of the American Dietetic Association.

Shereen has a master's degree in human nutrition from the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut and she was previously certified as a Certified Nutrition Specialist. She also has a doctor of chiropractic degree from Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington, Minnesota.
From Shereen Jegtvig:

Thanks for stopping by Nutrition. There is a lot of nutrition information available with just the click of your mouse. Allow me to keep you updated with the best information on foods, dietary supplements and other nutrition issues.

Great Post, Shereen, I agree whole heartly on the ban, Put some nutritious foods like Brown Rice, Wheat or Multi-Grain Pita with Hommus, 100% Whole Wheat Brain, Spring Water. Get People off the junk food and Maybe people wouldn't have to go to the doctor every five minutes. If You Want To Lose Weight Permanently You Need An Unstoppable Mindset.

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Dan Inosanto Introducing Larry Hartsell!

Dan Inosanto has passed away in 2007, Great Martial Artist and was a bodyguard for Mr. T. Dan Inosanto shows trapping techniques with a figure four lock. Enjoy the video.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Why is Bruce Lee still admired after 35 years?

Mikey likes Life Cereal, Cinnamon, Graham, Multi-Grain and many varieties. Just a personal greeting to a friend. What am I suppose to talking martial arts. Yes, okay I will.

Why is Bruce Lee still admired after 35 years? The same as the other hollywood icons are admired. Charisma. Bruce Lee has the charisma and Chuck Norris good marital artist but lacks the charm of bruce lee. Steven Seagul has gained to much weight and lacks the physical shape he once was. Bruce Lee developed the most sophicated form of fighting that is still be taught by his students: Dan Inosanto, Paul Vunak, Tim Tackett. Larry Hartsell just died last year I think, God Bless Him. Great Martial Artist. Gene Labell, Grandmaster of Grappling. If none of you know who is. He has taught just about everyone grappling, Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Bill Wallace, Benny Urquidez and many other. Benny The Jet wishes he could have fought bruce lee. Who would win. Leave a comment below. Take Care, Ray.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Picnics, Barbecues and Food Safety By Shereen Jegtvig,

Who doesn't enjoy a picnic or barbecue on a beautiful summer day surrounded by friends, family, delicious food, cold beverages and lots of bacteria?

Well, yuck, maybe not that bacteria part.

You may not have invited them to your party, but the bacteria may be there anyway. Every year, more than 76 million cases of foodborne illness occur just in the United States. The number of people suffering from "food poisoning" in the United States and other industrialized countries increases 30% every year.

Foodborne illness usually results in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or fever caused by bacteria that are lurking on foods and dining surfaces. Symptoms can be fairly mild or quite severe, and they are more likely to affect babies, pregnant women and elderly people.

When food safety is ignored at a picnic or barbecue by leaving perishable food out in warm weather, the bacteria flourish and threaten to make everyone sick.

Keep unwanted microscopic bullies from crashing your outdoor party by following basic food safety practices. Make sure foods are kept cold or hot, and raw meats are separated from cooked or ready-to-serve foods. Everyone needs to wash their hands and use clean serving utensils.

You also need to pay attention to how long your dishes sit on the picnic table. Bacteria grow best between 40 and 140 degrees. Most of the food you serve at your picnic will only be safe on the table for two hours and, if the air temperature is over 90 degrees, food becomes unsafe after only one hour. Once leftovers have been on the table that long, don’t keep them -- throw them away.

Use the same basic steps of food safety and cleanliness with outdoor cooking and eating that you would follow in your kitchen to keep foodborne illnesses from spoiling a lovely summer day:

* Keep cold foods cold until they are served. If you are at home, you can use the refrigerator. But for a picnic in the park, bring coolers with plenty of ice or freezer packs. Use one cooler for ready-to-serve foods and beverages and another for any uncooked meat for the grill.

* Pasta salads and potato salads are picnic staples. Contrary to common thought, mayonnaise is not the culprit that causes spoilage. The bacteria prefer the eggs, potatoes or other ingredients. Make sure salad is kept cold until it is time to eat. Serve only the amount of salad that will be consumed within one hour, and keep the rest in the cooler. If you need more, make sure to use a clean serving dish and spoon; don’t reuse the ones that have been sitting on the table.

* Fresh fruits with thick coverings, such as watermelons and apples, will keep for several days at room temperature. Once they are cut, treat them like other perishable foods. If they are not eaten within one to two hours, discard them.

* Casseroles should be cooked to an internal temperature of 165 degrees and held at 140 degrees. Use insulated containers that will maintain that temperature, or keep foods warm in the oven or slow cooker.

* Hot fried chicken should be served and eaten within one or two hours after cooking or purchasing. Cold fried chicken needs to be kept below 40 degrees until it is served, just like other cold foods.

* Rare beef can be cooked to 140 degrees, however hamburgers should always be cooked to 165 degrees. Ground meat has more surface area than steaks or chops and should always be cooked to a higher temperature. Poultry should be cooked to an internal temperature of 160 degrees. Hot dogs and other pre-cooked meats should be grilled to 165 degrees. Bring a meat thermometer along to test as you cook.

* All raw meat and poultry should be thawed and kept cold until you are ready to grill. Meat can be partially cooked beforehand to decrease grilling time. However, it needs to be treated just like raw meat because bacteria will still be present until it is fully cooked. Don’t grill frozen meat or poultry as it is difficult to cook evenly and safely.

* Not all foods need special handling for a picnic or barbecue. Cookies, breads, rolls and crackers can safely be kept at any temperature -- just keep them covered for freshness. Condiments such as ketchup, mayonnaise and mustard are acidic, so they are really not a problem for a picnic. Keep jar covers on, or use squeeze bottles.

* Pack clean platters and utensils for serving grilled meats. Bring a separate box or plastic bag to hold dishes that have held raw meats until you bring them back home for cleaning. Better yet, use disposable trays and plastic containers to transport your raw meats, and throw them away after the barbecue.

* Bring spray cleaners, soap and water (or hand sanitizer), paper towels, cloths, and napkins. Wash tables or use fresh tablecloths. Clean the grill before cooking.

* If you need to use insecticides to kill mosquitoes, flies and other unfriendly pests, spray the picnic area before you bring the food, plates and utensils. Spray downwind from yourself, and let the spray settle before you unpack.

* Don’t let guests serve themselves with the forks and spoons that they have used for eating. Keep clean serving utensils for each dish.

* Have guests wash their hands or use hand sanitizers and wipes to reduce the spread of bacteria from person to person. This is very important if you are serving foods that are easy to grab by hand.


"Barbecue and food safety." United States Department of Agriculture. Updated July 2, 2007.

"Food safety and foodborne illness.World Health Organization." Updated July 2, 2007.

Graves LM, Hunter SB, Ong AR, Schoonmaker-Bopp D, Hise K, Kornstein L, DeWitt WE, Hayes PS, Dunne E, Mead P, Swaminathan B. "Microbiological aspects of the investigation that traced the 1998 outbreak of listeriosis in the United States to contaminated hot dogs and establishment of molecular subtyping-based surveillance for Listeria monocytogenes in the PulseNet network." J Clin Microbiol. 2005 May;43(5):2350-5.
New posts to the Nutrition forums:

Little Black Book-Daily Food DiaryWorld's Greatest Vitamin SupplementGestational Diabetes
Suggested Reading

Cookout SafetyLow Fat Summer GrillingHow to Clean a Grill
Great Ideas for the Grill

Healthy Cooking on a GrillHealthy Ways to Cook Meat, Poultry and FishFilet Mignon with Spinach and Pine Nuts
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* Food Safety Information - All About Food Safety - Cook Clean Chill Separate...
* Food Safety Basics

About the author:

Shereen has been the Guide to Nutrition since 2004.

During her practice as a nutritionist and as a chiropractic physician for 16 years, Shereen saw how eating healthy foods (or not-so-healthy foods) impacted her patients' well-being every day. She decided that she wanted to reach a larger audience so she left practice to become a health and nutrition writer as well as the nutrition guide for Shereen is a member of the American Dietetic Association.

Shereen has a master's degree in human nutrition from the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut and she was certified as a Certified Nutrition Specialist. She also has a doctor of chiropractic degree from Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington, Minnesota.
From Shereen Jegtvig:

Thanks for stopping by Nutrition. There is a lot of nutrition information available with just the click of your mouse. Allow me to keep you updated with the best information on foods, dietary supplements and other nutrition issues.

Great article with Shereen Jegtvig. Yes, as she says the cold foods should stay cold and make sure the hot foods stay hot. Keep all utensils clean and I would keep plenty of ice on hand. Always good to carry a thermometer on hand to make sure the beef is cooked at 140 degrees and the hamburgers are kept at 165 degrees. I never thought about this quote". Contrary to common thought, mayonnaise is not the culprit that causes spoilage. The bacteria prefer the eggs, potatoes or other ingredients." I always thought mayonnaise would go bad because of the dairy in it. Do you agree with this statement or not. I would like to know your opinion on this subject, So don't forget to leave a comment below. Thanks. Until next time, Ray signing out
By Ray Gollis

P.S. I recommend you check out this ebook titled: "Cravings Secrets" in PDF format.

Here are a glimpse of what you see in the book:

Discover How To Beat The 14 Different Cravings In This eBook:

Here are some chapters in the book

1. What causes the cravings?

2. Is Low Blood Sugar one cause?

3. Hormones

4. Allergies

5. Emotional Triggers

are just some causes.

To pick up this great book, click on the link below:

Cravings Secrets

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Fish For Preventing Heart Disease By Shereen Jegtvig

A study just published by the Journal of the American College of Cardiology shows that Japanese men are much less likely to have clogged arteries than American men (or even Japanese men living in the United States) even though all of the groups studied had similar cholesterol levels and rates of smoking.

What was the difference? The men in Japan ate fish every day while the men in the United States ate fish one or two times per week. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are considered to be the key nutrients in fish that keeps your heart and arteries healthy.

Shereen has been the Guide to Nutrition since 2004.

During her practice as a nutritionist and as a chiropractic physician for 16 years, Shereen saw how eating healthy foods (or not-so-healthy foods) impacted her patients' well-being every day. She decided that she wanted to reach a larger audience so she left practice to become a health and nutrition writer as well as the nutrition guide for Shereen is a member of the American Dietetic Association.

Shereen has a master's degree in human nutrition from the University of Bridgeport in Connecticut and she was certified as a Certified Nutrition Specialist. She also has a doctor of chiropractic degree from Northwestern College of Chiropractic in Bloomington, Minnesota.
From Shereen Jegtvig:

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Great article about why Fish should be in everybody's diet, But you should bake or broil the fish, never deep fry the fish. Because deep frying is bad. Go check out this and learn a way to diet without even trying.

Check it out! Click on the link below!

The Diet Solution Program

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Main Benefits of Exercising By Matthew Green

We have always been told that exercising keeps us fit and healthy. But what does it specifically do to our body which results in weight loss? Any physical activity light or heavy, results to burning calories. When you simply do your household chores you are already burning a lot of calories and even running up and down the steps.

Sometimes when the diet and exercise plan does not work the way want it to or it simply stops working we tend to stop. But think of it this way maybe it stopped working because I am not exerting enough effort. So give your exercise a little push and from there you will see the changes in your weight. Building muscle through strength training helps your body burn more calories.

Metabolic rate increases when doing exercise and sometimes it stays at an increased rate. This might be the reason why people who are very active can eat a lot and not gain weight.

The best way to do exercise is in the morning because it helps you sleep better. Doing your exercise at night might result to difficulty in sleeping. If you want to exercise at night just do a brisk walk and do it at least three hours before your bed time.

Exercise helps release endorphins in the brain which in turn helps in improving our mood. And of course exercise lessens the risk of different disease such as heart disease, hypertension, breast cancer, colon cancer, high blood pressure and osteoporosis.

Dr. Matthew Green is a weight loss expert and health nutritionist. He has helped hundreds of people to lose 5 pounds a week through conventional and unconventional methods.

You can look at his websites to learn how to lose five pounds in one week.

Article Source:

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

How to Prevent Diabetes

Some of the complications of diabetes can be just as life threating as diabetes itself. The complications include: heart attacks, strokes, blindness, deafness, amputations, kidney failure, foot syndrome and many other problems.

Some of the preventive methods to combat diabetes is learning to avoid food that will make your blood sugar rise.

The foods to avoid are basically anything is white. So the saying white is right is wrong. The white flour products include:white bread, any type of white pasta, bagels, rolls, white flour, white rice.

What should you eat you ask? Well that would have to be anything that has whole grains in it, oats, wheat, beans, seeds, nuts.

People think eating vegetarian pizza is health. Well it is not. If it has white flour and cheese. Guess what you are deluding yourself. Stay away from foods that have any white flour or breads that look like wheat bread but are not. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetable.

You can go to CVS or Walgreens and buy a diabetes kit to know what your blood sugar level is. This is the best way to determine if you have diabetes or not.

If you have diabetes you might have to contact your doctor to see what can be done. Whether it is prescribing the individual insulin or changing their diet habits.

But remember eat sensible, don't overeat. Overeating is one of people's problems with this disease. The eat a whole box of donuts or 3 pounds of white rice.

The best way to prevent diabetes is don't overeat, stay away from white foods such as bread, pasta which I have mentioned earlier. Exercise for at least 1/2 hour a day.

I have a great book to offer you. That teaches these benefits. Here there are:

1.There is an easy way to eliminate 23 pounds of fat by making one simple change in your life.

2.Did you know that some vegetables can make you fat?

3.Did you know that there is a quick and easy way to tell how healthy a fat is? Did you even know that there are different kinds of fats? Some fats will kill you, others will protect your heart.

4.Do you know when the best time to exercise is? There is a big debate over this question and this program puts it to rest.

5.There is only one way you can drastically speed up your fat burning metabolism! This program will share the secret with you!

6.Do you have a problem eating out of the house at restaurants or at work? This program addresses that problem and provides a solution!

7.There is a special formula to eating that I have developed that has worked for thousands! This program will take you step by step through this amazing fat burning formula!

If you want to lose weight. Grab this book Now! This tells you what you should and shouldn't do on a diet. As a Bonus, I will throw in a healthy recipe book.

Ultimate Weight Loss Secrets

Article Source:

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Nunchaka Workout

I am working out in my backyard with the nunchaka.

Working out in my Basement

Just working out in my basement. Bad lighting though. Just doing basic spin kicks, jab, cross, hook punchs in the air, Hope you like it!